Posted by: nhfalcon | May 30, 2007

Great Movie Quotes

Some day I’ll come up with an original post topic instead of constantly stealing from Mrs. Chili… 🙂

Can you guess what movies these quotes came from?

“So, are we gonna screw soon, ‘cuz I’m getting kinda antsy.”

“The bitch hit me with a toaster!”

“Ballsy. Stupid, but ballsy.”

“Sir! The sniper approached the instructor by being a sneaky bastard! Sir!”

“The spark of his life is covered in shit. His spirit is gone but his stench remains. Does that answer your question?”

“Even the sun shines on a dog’s ass some days.”

“Saw your wife last night. Great little dancer. That guy she was with? I’m sure he’s a close personal friend, but tell me, what was he doing with her panties on his head?”

“I mean, picture a girl who just took a nosedive from the ugly tree and hit every branch coming down.”

“This is the cleanest and nicest police car I’ve ever been in in my life. This thing is nicer than my apartment.”

“But I would appreciate it if you would not act like a walking hard-on while we’re on the job.”

If I think of more I’ll post ’em.

Feel free, Mrs. C., to send people over for a gander. I have a feeling you have a larger readership than I do.


  1. I’m surprised to say I only know a few of these…

    “Ballsy. Supid, but ballsy” – True Lies

    “The bitch hit me with a toaster!” – Scrooged?

    “This is the cleanest and nicest police car I’ve ever been in in my life. This thing is nicer than my apartment.” – HAHAHAHA! Beverly Hills Cop – LOVE that movie!

    “I mean, picture a girl who just took a nosedive from the ugly tree and hit every branch coming down.” – Saving Private Ryan

    That’s all I’ve got – I’ll send folks over…

  2. Very good, Mrs. C. The ones you have identified, you have identified correctly.

    Of the remaining six, I know you’ve seen #’s 1 & 7, and I have a hunch you’ve seen #’s 4 & 5.

  3. […] up, Falcon has posted a movie quote entry. Go on over and see if you can do better than I did (because, in the words of Peanut, “our guy […]

  4. I KNOW that I know the dog’s ass one but I can’t come up with it. It’s delivered by someone like Jack Nicholson but I don’t think it actually IS Jack Nicholson. It’s not from Apocalypse now but it’s from something like that.

  5. You may be right, Kizz, but that’s not where I had picked the line from. I was thinking of a different movie and actor entirely.

  6. Here’s two more I just thought of:

    “Calling me ‘Sir’ is like putting an elevator in an outhouse – don’t belong.”

    “Nobody likes you. Everybody hates you. You’re gonna lose. Now smile you fuck.”

  7. OK, either these quotes really stumped you folks or nobody reads my posts. 😦

    The answers are:

    1) American Pie (one of my all-time favorites)
    2) Scrooged
    3) True Lies (Arnie’s best film, IMHO)
    4) Clear and Present Danger
    5) A Knight’s Tale
    6) White Men Can’t Jump
    7) Major League (another all-time fave)
    8) Saving Private Ryan
    9) Beverly Hills Cop (classic)
    10) Stakeout (VERY underrated)

    and the two I added the other day:

    The Last Boy Scout

  8. P.S. – I hate it when WordPress turns the number eight with a parenthesis next to it into a smiley face with shades on automatically! 😦

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