Posted by: nhfalcon | November 1, 2012

So, What’s Been Going On Lately?

Oh, not much… (snort!)

* – my Falcons are now 7 – 0 and my man-crush Matty Ice is starting to look like a legit MVP candidate.

* – I’m thinking the NFL is keeping an eye on this kid:

* – my fantasy football team is 3 – 5 because Eli Manning is fucking killing me!

* – political BS aside, I do want to see this:

* – Hobbit tv spot!

* – so, Disney’s bought out Lucasfilm, huh? Interesting…

* – yeah, I’d go to this theme park.

* – Iron Man 3, baby!

* – sometimes being a Republican in Hollywood can backfire on you.

* – that doesn’t seem to be holding David Letterman back, though.

* – how’s that foot taste, Eva Longoria?

* – really, libs? This is the best your messiah can do for a campaign ad?:

* – of course, these aren’t necessarily the brightest bulbs in the closet, anyway…

* – yeah, you’ll have to forgive me if I don’t take the mainstream media’s news outlets too seriously

* – I’ve asked this before, but the question bears repeating: how does anybody take Chris Matthews seriously?

Let me ask yet again.

* – Soledad O’Brien isn’t much better (though she is admittedly prettier).

* – who is this person, and what did she do with the real Barbara Walters?

* – maybe they’ve been taking lessons from Jake Tapper

* – this is about a half-hour long, folks, so pour a drink and pull up a chair. Don’t worry, though, it’s worth it:

* – “It is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high today, and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the tax rates…. [A]n economy constrained by high tax rates will never produce enough revenue to balance the budget, just as it will never create enough jobs or enough profits.” —John F. Kennedy, 1963

* – I think Chris Christie has said it best:

* – yeah, that Obamacare makes a whole lot of sense, doesn’t it?

* – to say nothing of the myths about Medicare

* – yes, the White House told companies to break the law to cover its ass, and then assured them that if they got sued, it would cover their costs. Awesome.

* – so, how about that first presidential debate, huh?:


(the altitude excuse is the best one, imho. 🙂 )

* – and there are those who wonder why I like Paul Ryan.

* – have we ever had a VP with less class than Joe Biden?

* – Biden was in porn?

* – yup, that Mitt Romney is a real scumbag, isn’t he? I’d hate to have him for a president, wouldn’t you?

* – he has no sense of humor, either:

* – seriously, what a slimeball, huh?

* – I mean, not going where the media wants you to go to when you give charity…

* – not like Obama and Biden. Oh, no, not at all. I mean, those guys are Boy Scouts

* – they never lie. Never.

* – they’re either lying or incompetent.

* – how the whole Benghazi thing has not become a bigger deal just blows my mind.

* – did you get that, everybody? The results of the Benghazi attack were not “optimal.” The deaths of four Americans were not “optimal.”

* – racism? What’s that?

* – $57k is “indentured servitude?” Really? Sign me up!

* – oh, btw, global warming ended 16 years ago!

* – yeah, how’s that higher education working out for you?

* – voter fraud? What voter fraud?


  1. Where have you been? Your falcons are tearing it up, aren’t they. My saints, not so much.

  2. Life changes, ‘Seester. I’m a homeowner now, and there’s always stuff to do. Little Man’s in the 2nd grade and has homework now, plus he takes karate lessons and is now in the Cub Scouts. Whew!

    Yes, I’m pretty happy with how ATL is playing thus far. It’s hard to complain about 7 – 0. 🙂 Some of those wins have been ugly, though, and the schedule isn’t going to get any easier. I certainly don’t take your Saints for granted. And the Falcons still have to win at least one game in the postseason to prove anything. Here’s hoping!

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